What is the Gospel?

As a local church, we are here to share in the life of Jesus Christ by sharing His love with one another, and by offering our community the opportunity to share in His life and in His love. As the Bible reveals, we are in desperate need of what Jesus Christ alone can offer us. Typically, people are running away from God and His truth, even though God in love created us. We do not want to face the shame of standing condemned before God for our unbelief, rebellion and sin, and in our flight from God we have brought all kinds of evil into our lives and into the world around us. But God has not left us to our own devices. He has sent us a Savior. He has sent us His own Son, Jesus Christ, to seek and to save us by giving us forgiveness and new life through His own death and resurrection.

If you want to learn more about this new life, and if you want to experience the love, joy, and peace that come from God as you grow in the power of this new life, we invite you to join us and learn more about what the Bible calls the journey of faith. Faith is not a leap in the dark, but rather it is a confrontation with a truth that rationally cannot be denied. This truth is revealed in the Bible. That is why we are a Bible-teaching church.

We warmly invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship and for other church related activities, as well, so that you might grow to know God better and the love that He has for you in Christ.