Sunday School Classes for Adults and Children
- Sunday school classes for all ages take place Sundays at 11:00 AM. September - May.
- Infant through age 4 attend the nursery
- Children and Youth ages 5 through high school meet in classes by age group
Adult Sunday School (Spring 2024)
The adult Sunday School class for this Spring will be studying the classic book by J. Gresham Machen “Christianity and Liberalism.” The class will use a video series from Ligonier Ministries presented by Dr. Steven Nichols giving the history of this classic text originally published in 1923 and highly relevant 101 years later. This twelve-part teaching series explores Machen's thesis that "Christian" liberal theology is not Christianity. The class will have time for discussion and questions as well. Please join us.
An archive of previous adult Sunday School classes can be found HERE.